Annual General Meeting 2022
Nottinghamshire Beekeepers Association
Eagles Nest Community Centre, Gedling Road, Arnold, Nottingham, NG5 6NZ
Monday 7th March 2022 – 7:30pm
Hybrid Meeting
- Apologies for Absence
- Minutes of the 2021 AGM (Enclosed)
- Matters Arising, Accuracy and Signature
- Council Report on Association Activities in 2021
- Accounts for 2021 and Auditor appointment
- Membership Fee 2023
- New Constitution and Expenses Form
- Election of New Chairman/President
- Election of Council Members
- Any Other Business
- Date and Time of the next AGM.
I Nominate _____________________________
For the Office___________________________ Signature________________________
Please note that the nominee’s permission must be obtained before a nomination is made. All Nominations must be submitted to the HonSec before 7:30 pm on the day of the AGM.
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
Nottinghamshire Beekeepers Association
Monday February 3rd 2020 – 7:30pm
Eagles Nest Community Centre, Gedling Road, Arnold, Nottingham, NG5 6NZ
The Meeting was Initially Chaired by David Chambers (DC) (Outgoing President) with Alec Thomson (AT) taking the Chair as the Incoming President.
In attendance was Griff Dixon (GD) Honorary Secretary, Chris Hutter (CH) Honorary Treasurer, Andrew Barber (AB), Alison Knox (AK) and Janet Bates (JB)
64 members attended out of 234 members representing 27% of the Membership
The President welcomed those members that had been able to attend and noted that this was a new format in partnering the AGM with a Nottingham Group monthly meeting rather than have a separate event which is often not well attended.
In attendance was Griff Dixon (GD) Honorary Secretary, Chris Hutter (CH) Honorary Treasurer, Andrew Barber (AB), Alison Knox (AK) and Janet Bates (JB)
64 members attended out of 234 members representing 27% of the Membership
The President welcomed those members that had been able to attend and noted that this was a new format in partnering the AGM with a Nottingham Group monthly meeting rather than have a separate event which is often not well attended.
The President introduced Dhonn to the members highlighting his role as Regional Bee Inspector.
The following cups and trophies were awarded:-
Moorgreen Show Cup – Alec Thomson
Best in show at Annual Honey Show judged by Alan Woodward
Fred Richardson Tankard Martin Bowker
Best in show for Autumn Honey Show judged by John Goodwin
Herrod Hempsall Cup Martin Bowker
Most points awarded at nominated shows for honey, beeswax and mead
William Marshall Cup Alec Thomson
Most points in wax classes 9 and 9A at nominated shows
Albert Scoffins Cup Mary Carey Allwood, Arlene Bull & Karen Burrow
Most points gained in classes 11, 12 and 13 (cakes, preserves and dainties)
The Novice Trophy (also known as the Junior Cup) Alan Barton
Most points gained overall by a member with less than 2 years’ experience in honey, beeswax and mead
Bartle Memorial Trophy Martin Bowker
For granulated honey (at the Autumn Show only)
NBKA Display Trophy Penny Forsyth
Best display at nominated shows
Photography Cup Diane Kidger
Best photography to do with bees and beekeeping at nominated shows
Beemaster Editors Award for contributions to the Beemaster Newsletter was made by Penny Forsyth to Anne Mason
The Presentation of Certificates was made by Janet Bates Education Secretary
The following Certificates were awarded :-
Sue Ford Credit Module 7 Selection and Breeding of Honeybees
Karen Burrow Distinction Module 7 Selection and Breeding of Honeybees
Julie Porter Credit Module 1 Honeybee Management
Adrian Kennedy Distinction Module 7 Selection and Breeding of Honeybees
Kevin Anderson Distinction Module 7 Selection and Breeding of Honeybees
Distinction Module 6 Honeybee Behaviour
The President thanked Janet for all her hard work during the year as both Education and Membership Secretary organising modules and basic certificate training with the members showing their appreciation in the normal way. The President then also appealed to any members with 2 years or more experience to do the Basic Examination.
The President Closed the AGM Formal meeting at 8:18pm.
Tea, refreshments and raffle were provided by Nottingham Group which was followed by Dhonn Atkinson, Regional Bee Inspector, giving two talks – on Asian hornet activities in Jersey, and adult bee diseases which should help any members undertaking Module 3.
Griff Dixon Hon Sec NBKA
[email protected]
01636 636565
07500 876836
- Apologies for absence were received from Maurice and Linda Jordan, Karen Burrow, David Chase, Erika Humphries, Peter Winters and Paula Duckworth;
- The Minutes of the AGM for 2019 had already been circulated and were accepted as a true record. Proposed Andrew Barber Seconded Peter Bull.
- There were no matters arising from the minutes.
- The Chairman’s report had already been circulated with the members being given time to read it through. DC thanked AB for the report which covered reports from other Council Members and asked for any questions and was then accepted as a true record.
- The accounts for 2019 were presented by the Honorary Treasurer. The Association had excess income over expenditure realising a profit of £2175.84. The Association had received grants from Tesco for £4000 for the setting up of a new training apiary in Hucknall. The association received a bequest from the estate of Barrie Ellis for £600. The Association was going to gather together an asset register which would form part of future accounting. A handover meeting had been held between the retiring Honorary Treasurer and the new Honorary Treasurer. The Accounts auditor would be reappointed as Keith Loom. The accounts were accepted as a true record by Andrew Barber (Proposer) and Pete Bull (Seconder)
- The President announced that Membership Subscriptions would be maintained at the same level as last year at £25.
- Election of President – Alec Thomson as Vice President was invited to take up the position as Chair of the AGM with DC standing down. AT thanked DC for his stalwart work as President for the last 3 years with the members showing their appreciation in the normal way. Alison Knox provided the formal nomination.
- Election of Honorary Treasurer – Paula Duckworth (Who was unable to attend) was elected Honorary Treasurer with Andrew Barber providing the nomination. The President thanked the outgoing Honorary Treasurer for all his hard work over the past 30 years with the members showing their appreciation in the normal way.
- Election of Show Secretary – Karen Burrow was duly elected as Show Secretary being nominated by Griff Dixon. The president thanked Alison Knox for all her hard work with the members showing their appreciation in the normal way. The President then made a plea to the members to make more effort in supporting the Association Honey Shows when the show secretary puts so much effort in organising them. Alison Knox informed the members that she would assist with stewarding when available.
- There were no advance nominations for the two councillor vacancies, so these remain vacant.
- Presentation of Cups and Awards were made by Alison Knox and Dhonn Atkinson
The President introduced Dhonn to the members highlighting his role as Regional Bee Inspector.
The following cups and trophies were awarded:-
Moorgreen Show Cup – Alec Thomson
Best in show at Annual Honey Show judged by Alan Woodward
Fred Richardson Tankard Martin Bowker
Best in show for Autumn Honey Show judged by John Goodwin
Herrod Hempsall Cup Martin Bowker
Most points awarded at nominated shows for honey, beeswax and mead
William Marshall Cup Alec Thomson
Most points in wax classes 9 and 9A at nominated shows
Albert Scoffins Cup Mary Carey Allwood, Arlene Bull & Karen Burrow
Most points gained in classes 11, 12 and 13 (cakes, preserves and dainties)
The Novice Trophy (also known as the Junior Cup) Alan Barton
Most points gained overall by a member with less than 2 years’ experience in honey, beeswax and mead
Bartle Memorial Trophy Martin Bowker
For granulated honey (at the Autumn Show only)
NBKA Display Trophy Penny Forsyth
Best display at nominated shows
Photography Cup Diane Kidger
Best photography to do with bees and beekeeping at nominated shows
Beemaster Editors Award for contributions to the Beemaster Newsletter was made by Penny Forsyth to Anne Mason
The Presentation of Certificates was made by Janet Bates Education Secretary
The following Certificates were awarded :-
Sue Ford Credit Module 7 Selection and Breeding of Honeybees
Karen Burrow Distinction Module 7 Selection and Breeding of Honeybees
Julie Porter Credit Module 1 Honeybee Management
Adrian Kennedy Distinction Module 7 Selection and Breeding of Honeybees
Kevin Anderson Distinction Module 7 Selection and Breeding of Honeybees
Distinction Module 6 Honeybee Behaviour
The President thanked Janet for all her hard work during the year as both Education and Membership Secretary organising modules and basic certificate training with the members showing their appreciation in the normal way. The President then also appealed to any members with 2 years or more experience to do the Basic Examination.
- Any Other Business – There were no items of other business.
- Date and Time of Next meeting to be decided by Council
The President Closed the AGM Formal meeting at 8:18pm.
Tea, refreshments and raffle were provided by Nottingham Group which was followed by Dhonn Atkinson, Regional Bee Inspector, giving two talks – on Asian hornet activities in Jersey, and adult bee diseases which should help any members undertaking Module 3.
Griff Dixon Hon Sec NBKA
[email protected]
01636 636565
07500 876836
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2018
Nottinghamshire Beekeepers Association
Lowdham Village Hall NG14 7BD
Saturday February 3rd 2018 – 2pm
The Meeting was Chaired by David Chambers (President)
Council Members Andrew Barber (Chairman), Maurice Jordan (Hon Sec), Chris Hutter (Hon Treasurer), Alison Knox (Show secretary) and Janet Bates (Education) were also in attendance
Apologies for absence were received from Alec Thomson, David Chase, Glenis Swift and Brian Penrose
Over 50 members were in attendance
The President welcomed everyone to the meeting.
The Minutes of the AGM for 2017 had already been circulated and were accepted as a true record.
There were no matters arising from the minutes.
The Chairman’s report had already been circulated and was accepted as a true record.
The accounts for 2017 were presented by the Honorary Treasurer who informed the membership that the Association had made a £860.94 profit. The Honorary Treasurer was thanked for all his hard work with the members showing their appreciation in the normal way.
The President announced that Membership Subscriptions would be maintained at the same level as last year at £25.
Robert Logan raised the question concerning the BBKA capitation fee level at £19 and BDI Insurance fees and the residual remaining for the Association to operate its business requiring the beginner’s courses and auction to fund the yearly running costs.
Maurice Jordan retired as Honorary Secretary with Griff Dixon being elected as the new Honorary Secretary. Maurice Jordan was presented with a token of appreciation from the Association for his years of Service by Pete Bull.
The election for a new Librarian was made with Karen Burrow accepting the position.
The election for a new Council Member was made with Andrew Barber being elected.
The Presentation of Cups and Awards was made and introduced by Alison Knox.
The following awards were made:-
Photography Cup Joint Winners Gary Mitchell and Alec Thomson
NBKA Display Trophy Jane Simpson
Bartle Memorial Trophy Martin Bowker
Albert Scoffins Cup Jane Simpson
William Marshall Cup Mary Carey Allwood
Herod Hempsall Cup Martin Bowker
Fred Richardson Tankard Maurice Jordan
Moorgreen Cup Mary Carey Allwood
The President congratulated all the winners and Alison Knox for all her hard work.
Penny Forsyth presented an award to Alison Knox for being the most prolific contributor to the Beemaster Monthly Journal.
Penny Forsyth introduced Stuart Ching, the Associations Archivist, who gave an oration to the members on the first part of his publication on the Associations early history from 1884 which the Association has financial contributed. He made a request for photographs to support the intended second publication.
Any other business provided the opportunity for the monies raised from the teas and cakes to be donated to Bees Abroad who had a stand at the AGM.
BBKA Module Certificates were awarded by Janet Bates for those successful members passing the Basic Certificate, Module 1 and the Master Beekeeper award.
The President Closed the meeting at 2:15pm
The date and time for the next meeting would be Saturday February 2nd 2:15pm at Lowdham Village Hall.
Tea and refreshments were provided which was followed by Hattie Ellis the Guest Speaker providing an insight into her books with her talk entitled “Spoonsful of Honey”.
Council Members Andrew Barber (Chairman), Maurice Jordan (Hon Sec), Chris Hutter (Hon Treasurer), Alison Knox (Show secretary) and Janet Bates (Education) were also in attendance
Apologies for absence were received from Alec Thomson, David Chase, Glenis Swift and Brian Penrose
Over 50 members were in attendance
The President welcomed everyone to the meeting.
The Minutes of the AGM for 2017 had already been circulated and were accepted as a true record.
There were no matters arising from the minutes.
The Chairman’s report had already been circulated and was accepted as a true record.
The accounts for 2017 were presented by the Honorary Treasurer who informed the membership that the Association had made a £860.94 profit. The Honorary Treasurer was thanked for all his hard work with the members showing their appreciation in the normal way.
The President announced that Membership Subscriptions would be maintained at the same level as last year at £25.
Robert Logan raised the question concerning the BBKA capitation fee level at £19 and BDI Insurance fees and the residual remaining for the Association to operate its business requiring the beginner’s courses and auction to fund the yearly running costs.
Maurice Jordan retired as Honorary Secretary with Griff Dixon being elected as the new Honorary Secretary. Maurice Jordan was presented with a token of appreciation from the Association for his years of Service by Pete Bull.
The election for a new Librarian was made with Karen Burrow accepting the position.
The election for a new Council Member was made with Andrew Barber being elected.
The Presentation of Cups and Awards was made and introduced by Alison Knox.
The following awards were made:-
Photography Cup Joint Winners Gary Mitchell and Alec Thomson
NBKA Display Trophy Jane Simpson
Bartle Memorial Trophy Martin Bowker
Albert Scoffins Cup Jane Simpson
William Marshall Cup Mary Carey Allwood
Herod Hempsall Cup Martin Bowker
Fred Richardson Tankard Maurice Jordan
Moorgreen Cup Mary Carey Allwood
The President congratulated all the winners and Alison Knox for all her hard work.
Penny Forsyth presented an award to Alison Knox for being the most prolific contributor to the Beemaster Monthly Journal.
Penny Forsyth introduced Stuart Ching, the Associations Archivist, who gave an oration to the members on the first part of his publication on the Associations early history from 1884 which the Association has financial contributed. He made a request for photographs to support the intended second publication.
Any other business provided the opportunity for the monies raised from the teas and cakes to be donated to Bees Abroad who had a stand at the AGM.
BBKA Module Certificates were awarded by Janet Bates for those successful members passing the Basic Certificate, Module 1 and the Master Beekeeper award.
The President Closed the meeting at 2:15pm
The date and time for the next meeting would be Saturday February 2nd 2:15pm at Lowdham Village Hall.
Tea and refreshments were provided which was followed by Hattie Ellis the Guest Speaker providing an insight into her books with her talk entitled “Spoonsful of Honey”.
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2017
Nottinghamshire Beekeepers Association
Lowdham Village Hall NG14 7BD
Saturday February 4th 2017 – 2pm
The AGM of the Nottinghamshire Beekeepers Association was held on Saturday 4th February 2017. About 40 members were present.
The news in brief from the business part of the meeting:
The Herrod Hempsall Cup, David Chase
The William Marshall Trophy, Bob Logan
The Albert Scoffins Cup, Mary Carey Allwood
The Novice Trophy, Lucy Jezewska
The Bartle Memorial Trophy, Diane Kidger
The NBKA Display Trophy, Paul & Jane Simpson
Photo Cup, Paul & Jane Simpson
Basic Certificates and badges were presented to Lucy Jezewska and Susan Ford. (Bev Jay and Adrian Kennedy also gained the Basic Cert but were not present at the AGM)
The news in brief from the business part of the meeting:
- The Chairman's report was supplied as a handout at the meeting.
- Chris Hutter, our treasurer, gave a detailed breakdown of the accounts, which had been pre-circulated. The balance is very healthy and suggestions are welcome for anything that members feel needs purchasing or spending money on.
- Subscriptions are to remain the same (a knock on benefit of our healthy bank balance). Full membership is £25.00 per annum.
- The association should have 3 trustees. Bob Logan was voted in as a trustee to fill a vacancy.
- President- Janet Bates's term as President ended and David Chambers is the new President. He was not at the meeting to accept the medal of office.
- Election of secretary- this could not take place as there were no nominations. Maurice agreed to continue for the time being.
- Election of Membership secretary-no new nominations. Karen Gladman agreed to continue in this post.
- Alison Knox was elected as Show Secretary.
- The vacancy for Librarian was not filled.
- Alec Thomson was elected as a Council Member. Glynis's term of 3 years has come to an end and re-election is not permitted for a 12 month period. It is intended that Glynis will be co-opted onto the committee at a Council Meeting.
- AOB- Rod Chapman proposed that the proceeds from the refreshments be donated to "Bees Abroad". This was agreed.
- Cups were presented to members from the Honey Shows.
The Herrod Hempsall Cup, David Chase
The William Marshall Trophy, Bob Logan
The Albert Scoffins Cup, Mary Carey Allwood
The Novice Trophy, Lucy Jezewska
The Bartle Memorial Trophy, Diane Kidger
The NBKA Display Trophy, Paul & Jane Simpson
Photo Cup, Paul & Jane Simpson
Basic Certificates and badges were presented to Lucy Jezewska and Susan Ford. (Bev Jay and Adrian Kennedy also gained the Basic Cert but were not present at the AGM)
- The meeting was followed by a talk by Bill Summers on the Zest Hive.
- Delicious home made cakes and drinks were served by beekeepers of the Nottingham Region.
- Linda Jordan ran the raffle.
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2016
Nottinghamshire Beekeepers Association
Lowdham Village Hall
Saturday February 6th 2016 - 2:00pm
Apologies were received from Diane Kidger, Alan Moulton, Glyn Flowerdew, David Guthrie, Pete Bull, David Chase, Keith Cosgrove and Alison and Martin Knox.
The president Janet Bates welcomed everyone to the meeting
Andrew Barber (chairman) sadly had to report the death of Alan Lewis. Alan had been a member of the Association for many years and had served in several posts, chairmen, membership secretary and show secretary and was always on hand to give help and advice
Tony Maggs gave a report on Alans life Tony saying Alan had helped him get started in beekeeping in 1985. He said Alan was a keen conservationist and did lot of volunteer work at Nottingham nature reserve, Alan started his working life as a joiner then progressed to being a school teacher. He went on to say he will be sadly missed and he proposed perhaps we could purchase a trophy in remembrance to Alan as he was a keen showman and his name was on many of the Associations cups and trophies
Minutes of the last AGM- were passed as a true record
Matters arising- the secretary offered his apologies regarding the election of offices he said when calculating the three-year service term, he had not included the current year of election so in fact officers had served four years. He said he would rectify the problem at the Next AGM
Chairman’s Report-A written report by the chairman was circulated
Accounts for 2015- The treasurer, Chris Hutter reported a profit on the year of £3,166.58, he said there were good profits from the beginner’s courses and the Newark auction and the usual teas and raffles
Subscriptions- The treasurer stated there was no need to increase subscriptions do to the heathy bank balance.
Election of treasurer- Chris Hutter stated that he was willing to carry on as treasurer and was duly re- elected
Election of Librarian-John Cornish said he reluctantly had to give up the job of librarian. Janet Bates thanked John for his past work, unfortunately as yet no one had volunteered to take on the task of librarian so it was suggested by Bob Logan that we contact Pete Bull who had volunteered to store the books until a new librarian could be found,
Election of Education Secretary-Janet Bates stated that she was willing to carry on as education secretary and was duly elected.
Vice president- David Chambers was re-elected as vice president.
Election of council member- Mary-Carey Allwood and Geoff Curtis were elected on to the council
Presentation of cups and trophies
Our guest speaker presented
Moorgreen Cup- Paul Simpson
Herrod Hempsall Cup- Pete Bull
William Marshall Trophy- Bob Logan
Albert Scoffins Cup- Mary-Cary Allwood
Novice Cup Lucy Jezewska
Bartle Memorial - David Chambers
Display cup- Jane Turner
Photograph Cup -Pete Bull
Stuart Ching Award Dominic Casperson
Simon Croson congratulated all the winners on their achievements
Any other business- none
Date and time of the next meeting- Stuart Humphreys proposed Lowdham Village Hall this was seconded by Karen Gladman and passed.
The president Janet Bates welcomed everyone to the meeting
Andrew Barber (chairman) sadly had to report the death of Alan Lewis. Alan had been a member of the Association for many years and had served in several posts, chairmen, membership secretary and show secretary and was always on hand to give help and advice
Tony Maggs gave a report on Alans life Tony saying Alan had helped him get started in beekeeping in 1985. He said Alan was a keen conservationist and did lot of volunteer work at Nottingham nature reserve, Alan started his working life as a joiner then progressed to being a school teacher. He went on to say he will be sadly missed and he proposed perhaps we could purchase a trophy in remembrance to Alan as he was a keen showman and his name was on many of the Associations cups and trophies
Minutes of the last AGM- were passed as a true record
Matters arising- the secretary offered his apologies regarding the election of offices he said when calculating the three-year service term, he had not included the current year of election so in fact officers had served four years. He said he would rectify the problem at the Next AGM
Chairman’s Report-A written report by the chairman was circulated
Accounts for 2015- The treasurer, Chris Hutter reported a profit on the year of £3,166.58, he said there were good profits from the beginner’s courses and the Newark auction and the usual teas and raffles
Subscriptions- The treasurer stated there was no need to increase subscriptions do to the heathy bank balance.
Election of treasurer- Chris Hutter stated that he was willing to carry on as treasurer and was duly re- elected
Election of Librarian-John Cornish said he reluctantly had to give up the job of librarian. Janet Bates thanked John for his past work, unfortunately as yet no one had volunteered to take on the task of librarian so it was suggested by Bob Logan that we contact Pete Bull who had volunteered to store the books until a new librarian could be found,
Election of Education Secretary-Janet Bates stated that she was willing to carry on as education secretary and was duly elected.
Vice president- David Chambers was re-elected as vice president.
Election of council member- Mary-Carey Allwood and Geoff Curtis were elected on to the council
Presentation of cups and trophies
Our guest speaker presented
Moorgreen Cup- Paul Simpson
Herrod Hempsall Cup- Pete Bull
William Marshall Trophy- Bob Logan
Albert Scoffins Cup- Mary-Cary Allwood
Novice Cup Lucy Jezewska
Bartle Memorial - David Chambers
Display cup- Jane Turner
Photograph Cup -Pete Bull
Stuart Ching Award Dominic Casperson
Simon Croson congratulated all the winners on their achievements
Any other business- none
Date and time of the next meeting- Stuart Humphreys proposed Lowdham Village Hall this was seconded by Karen Gladman and passed.